Signal Pong

Leveling up an arcade classic to epic proportions.
I led the design allowing attendees to face off in a 3V3 pong experience.



User experience design | User interface design | Prototyping | User testing | Brand development


One of the most unique things you can find at Signal is the Hackpack, a piece of swag that you can interact with at the conference, or totally hack the thing and make it do whatever you want!

The Hackpack V.4 allowed the conference attendees to participate in interactive activities directly from the device or at specific locations. It was also a wallet that tracked the points that the attendee had earned by attending sessions and workshops, which they could later spend at the swag store.


3V3 Pong

There are many types of attendees that attend conferences, some try to attend as many presentations as possible, while some watch the keynote and spend the rest of the time exploring. Signal Pong was designed for the explorer, just an icon on the Hackpack interface, and a big screen tucked away in a corner of the event space.

Most people have probably played Pong… but how many can say that they’ve played 3V3 Pong? When an attendee is in the proximity of the Signal Pong screen they can connect via their Hackpack and join other attendees in the action.

The big screen

While Signal Pong was played from the Hackpack, the gameplay was up on a giant LED screen so everyone can watch the match and cheer their fellow attendees on!


Signal 2018

Hackpack V.4


Shirt Factory